Here at Bargain Binoculars, we sell only quality optics, at remarkably affordable prices.
Not only are they the perfect choice for bird watching, they are also perfect for watching sport, hunting and travelling in the great outdoors.
The true test of a pair of binoculars is how they perform in the field. All of the binoculars, we sell have been field-tested by myself, out in the bush, and represent great value for money.
Both the binoculars and the spotting scope are comparable to optics that cost thousands of dollars more. I have been a bird watcher from my early teenage years and I have spent the last 40 years working as a professional bird tour guide, leading birding tours all over the world, and I have observed over 8,200 different species of birds, literally in every corner of the globe.
The combination of the recent manufacturing boom in China, and the very real technological advancement in binoculars and spotting scopes, during the last 20 years, has made it possible for me to provide you with superb quality optics, at an affordable price.